By phone or email
To speak to an adviser, please call our free and confidential advice line 0808 801 0366 (Monday to Friday 9.30am to 3pm, excluding Bank Holidays). Or you can ask us a question via email using our advice enquiry form.
Are you a parent, kinship carer relative or friend of a child who is involved with, or who needs the help of, children’s services in England? We can help you understand processes and options when social workers or courts are making decisions about your child’s welfare.
Our advice service is free, independent and confidential.
To speak to an adviser, please call our free and confidential advice line 0808 801 0366 (Monday to Friday 9.30am to 3pm, excluding Bank Holidays). Or you can ask us a question via email using our advice enquiry form.
Our online advice forums are an anonymous space where parents and kinship carers (also known as family and friends carers) can get legal and practical advice, build a support network and learn from other people’s experiences.
Our get help and advice section has template letters, advice sheets and resources about legal and social care processes. On Monday and Wednesday afternoons, you can use our webchat service to chat online to an adviser.
Family Rights Group hosts the family group conference and Lifelong Links network in England and Wales. Through the network we aim to promote the development of family group conferences and facilitate shared learning between local authorities and voluntary organisations that offer a family group conference service.
To learn more about family group conferencing please visit our webpages here. If you have any queries, please email
Family Rights Group is not responsible for these services. Services with an (N) are members of the Family Group Conference and Lifelong Links Network. Those with an (A) are accredited services, and those with an (I) are independently evaluated.
The Boulevard
Ascot Road
WD18 8AG
Alex Baldwin
Brighton and Hove City Council
Sellaby House
126 Old Shoreham Road
East Sussex
BN41 1UB
Statutory organisation
Early help, child in need, child protection, children in care and care leavers
Family group conferences for referrals from children’s social care and early help teams. Referrals to BHCC advocacy service as required
Kate Webb/Narelle Percival
Buckinghamshire County Council
Family group conference service
1 Walton Grove
HP21 7SL
Lisa Apps
East Sussex Children's Services
St. Mark's House
5th Floor
North Pod
14 Upperton Road
East Sussex
BN21 1EP
Statutory organisation
Child welfare
Essex County Council
Causeway House
Second Floor
Boching End
CM7 9H13
Statutory organisation
Youth justice, child welfare, education
Service users forum
Adwoa Solomon
Essex County Council
Fgc Service
E3 Zone 2
County Hall
Market Road
Statutory organisation
Child welfare
Ben Carr/Anna Levensconte
Hertfordshire County Council
Family Group Conference Manager
First Floor
Six Hills Way
Statutory organisation
Child welfare, education
Benu Redey
Oxfordshire Council
4440 Nash Court
John Smith Drive
Oxford Business Park South
Statutory organisation
Clare Goldsmith
Medway Council
Gun Wharf
Dock Road
Statutory organisation
Child welfare
Surjit Bains
Milton Keynes Council
Rivers - ACE Centre
Trent Road
Milton Keynes
Statutory organisation
Early help, children in need and children in care
Family group conferences for referrals from children’s social care and early help, service user forums and regional co-ordinators’ forum
Julie Wedge
Kent County Council
Kent family group conference service County Office
Worral House
30 Kings Hill
West Malling
ME19 4AE
Statutory organisation
Child welfare
Advocates, service users forum
Claire Cooper
Daybreak Family Group Conferences
Wessex House
Upper Market Street
SO50 9FD
Voluntary organisation
Child welfare, youth justice, education
Advocates, service users forum
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