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To speak to an adviser, please call our free and confidential advice line 0808 801 0366 (Monday to Friday 9.30am to 3pm, excluding Bank Holidays). Or you can ask us a question via email using our advice enquiry form.
Are you a parent, kinship carer relative or friend of a child who is involved with, or who needs the help of, children’s services in England? We can help you understand processes and options when social workers or courts are making decisions about your child’s welfare.
Our advice service is free, independent and confidential.
To speak to an adviser, please call our free and confidential advice line 0808 801 0366 (Monday to Friday 9.30am to 3pm, excluding Bank Holidays). Or you can ask us a question via email using our advice enquiry form.
Our online advice forums are an anonymous space where parents and kinship carers (also known as family and friends carers) can get legal and practical advice, build a support network and learn from other people’s experiences.
Our get help and advice section has template letters, advice sheets and resources about legal and social care processes. On Monday and Wednesday afternoons, you can use our webchat service to chat online to an adviser.
In January 2021, Family Rights Group (on behalf of The Parliamentary Taskforce on Kinship Care) conducted a survey of kinship carers’ experiences during the latest stage of the pandemic. They survey was filled in by 605 kinship carers raising 889 kinship children. The report provides a detailed analysis of the survey and sets out recommendations for urgent Government action.
DownloadSummary of the Covid report from the Parliamentary Taskforce on Kinship Care.
DownloadThe rationale for this research overview was to draw together, into a single, publicly available document, all the research on kinship care undertaken in the UK over the last two decades. The aim is that it will generate a comprehensive, reliable, and accessible knowledge base, which can be utilised by organisations working with, or on behalf of, kinship families and by the families themselves and the many peer-led groups.
DownloadThe report summarises research and evidence gathered by the Taskforce and makes a series of recommendations for Government, local authorities and other public agencies to help deliver a vision for kinship care.
DownloadExecutive Summary of the Report of the Parliamentary Taskforce on Kinship Care.
DownloadResponding to the pandemic, over five days during Easter 2020 Family Rights Group (on behalf of The Parliamentary Taskforce on Kinship Care) conducted a survey of kinship carers’ experiences during the crisis. More than 650 kinship carers raising over 1000 kinship care children filled in the survey.
DownloadHeadline findings from the Taskforce’s survey of kinship carers’ experiences during the coronavirus crisis
Other charities including Kinship Carers Liverpool, Grandparents Plus and Adfam have also shared with us findings of their own engagement with kinship carers, which are consistent with the survey’s results.
Summary of recommendations drawn from the Taskforce’s survey of kinship carers’ experiences during the coronavirus crisis
The Taskforce welcome the measures the Government has introduced so far to help some kinship care families, but we urge Government to go further. Without support, placements may break down and more children would enter the care system, at a much greater cost to the child, family, society and the public purse.
Reducing financial hardship and administrative burdens
Access to justice
Reducing anxieties and increasing support
Education support for children in kinship care
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