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Our advice service

Are you a parent, kinship carer relative or friend of a child who is involved with, or who needs the help of, children’s services in England? We can help you understand processes and options when social workers or courts are making decisions about your child’s welfare.

Our advice service is free, independent and confidential.

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By phone or email

To speak to an adviser, please call our free and confidential advice line 0808 801 0366 (Monday to Friday 9.30am to 3pm, excluding Bank Holidays). Or you can ask us a question via email using our advice enquiry form.

Discuss on our forums

Our online advice forums are an anonymous space where parents and kinship carers (also known as family and friends carers) can get legal and practical advice, build a support network and learn from other people’s experiences.

Advice on our website

Our get help and advice section has template letters, advice sheets and resources about legal and social care processes. On Monday and Wednesday afternoons, you can use our webchat service to chat online to an adviser.


Family Rights Group
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Code of Conduct for Staff

The Code of Conduct applies to all staff and volunteers (except Trustees, who have a separate Code of Conduct), and seeks to ensure that Family Rights Group’s expectation of those who work for the organisation is as clear as possible. The conduct of all those who work for Family Rights Group directly reflects upon the organisation, including the trust and respect in which it is viewed by families and practitioners and the influence it can bring to bear on decision makers.

The Code of Conduct is binding on all staff. If you break the Code and the standard it promotes and requires, we may take disciplinary action (including, potentially, dismissing you).

All staff and volunteers must adhere to, respect, and represent the Values, Code of Conduct and Policies of the Charity at all times. As a member of staff or volunteer, you must:

  1. Read, acknowledge and comply with all the expected behaviours in this Code of Conduct, as well as Family Rights Group’s Safeguarding Policy and other linked policies.
  2. Support the aims and values of Family Rights Group at all times.
  3. Protect and promote the safety and wellbeing of children, young people and vulnerable adults with whom you and/or the organisation works.
  4. Recognise, respond to and report any safeguarding concern.
  5. Take reasonable care of your own and others’ health and safety.
  6. Act fairly, honestly and tactfully and treat all those you come into contact with at, or through, work with dignity, respect and with courtesy.
  7. Deal correctly with property and money of Family Rights Group or any member of the public.
  8. Promote and maintain the good name and reputation of Family Rights Group.
  9. Report any business interests of yourself, your family or friends at the very earliest opportunity to the Chief Executive, where such business is being or is likely to be conducted with Family Rights Group or which may give rise to a conflict of interest in the performance of your duties.
  10. Uphold and comply with such Family Rights Group policies and procedures as may be issued from time to time.

You must not:

  1. Behave in a way that undermines your ability to do your job or is likely to bring Family Rights Group into disrepute.
  2. Behave in any way which harms other staff, volunteers, or members of the public.
  3. Abuse your position of power or responsibility in relation to other staff, volunteers, service users or other contacts of Family Rights Group.
  4. Solicit, or use the name or reputation of Family Rights Group to obtain any preferential treatment, benefits, gifts or money from service users or contacts of Family Rights Group for personal gain or the gain of your relatives or friends.
  5. Drink alcohol or use any other substances in a way that affects your ability to do your job or affects the reputation of the organisation.
  6. Receive any preferential treatment, benefits, personal gifts in kind or money from any service users or other person contacted at or through work, unless with the written agreement of the chief executive and Chair of Trustees
  7. Make use of the property or equipment of Family Rights Group other than for the purpose(s) for which it is intended.
  8. Enter contractual arrangements on behalf of Family Rights Group without specific authority from the Chief Executive or the Office and Finance Manager.
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